Lined Vertical Check Valve

Lined Vertical Check Valve


Lined Vertical Check Valve 

The function of this type of valve is to only allow the medium to flow in one direction, and to prevent the flow in one direction. Usually this kind of valve works automatically. Under the action of fluid pressure flowing in one direction, the valve flap opens; when the fluid flows in the opposite direction, the fluid pressure and the self-coincident valve flap of the valve flap act on the valve seat, thereby cutting off the flow.

Technical Standard 

Design and Manufacture

GB/T12235    GB/T12236

Face to Face dimension

HG/T3704-2003    GB12221    ASME B16.10

Flange Dimension

GB/T9113.1、  ANSI B16.5a

Structure Type

Vertical Type, Swing Type, Lift Type

Nominal Pressure

0.6、1.0、1.6、2.5Mpa   Class150    JIS 10K

Test and Inspection

GB/T13927-92     API598


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